Infinitely Scalable SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics
Scalable Vector Graphics, widely known as SVG is becoming popular now a days. Scalable Vector Graphics is an open standard that was developed by [World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)][1] in 1999. SVG is an XML based vector image format for 2D Graphics that has support for interactivity and animation. In the year 2003 it became W3c recommendation. It is text based, which means you can create SVG in simple text file. Simply it is an image that will be written in xml with some of the predefined xml attributes and tags.
Why SVG is infinitely scalable?
It is Vector Technology, which means its not raster technology. Vector Technology is something that is based on mathematics. Vector images are the combination of the lines and Vector Graphics is the combinations and calculations of Mathematics. Hence when we zoom in or zoom out a vector image there will be no distortion, because the vector system is in mathematics.
Other formats like jpeg, bmp, png, gif, etc.,. are based on raster technology. Raster files uses pixels that are accommodated in the form of Matrix. As a result of this matrix structure these formats are not scalable, they distort when zoom in or zoom out.
Scalability of BitMap Image (Raster Technology)
Scalability of Scalable Vector Graphics
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