RetePlus Algorithm with Example – IBM ODM
RetePlus algorithm is one of the execution modes in IBM ODM which is based on Rete algorithm. It works based on working memory, agenda creation, supports negative patterns, object notification, and Logical Objects.
Synchronizing Rules and RuleDocs – Rule Solutions for Office, ODM
RuleDocs are Microsoft Office documents that contain your rules, decision tables, and ruleflows. Rules and ruleflows are stored in Word documents, while decision tables are stored as spreadsheets in Excel.
Rule Solutions for Office Installation – IBM ODM
Rule Solutions for Office enables you to edit business rules in Microsoft Office documents called RuleDocs. You can update and share rules with RuleDocs, which can also provide supporting documentation and information such as the original policies for the rules.
Organizing your application into rule projects – IBM ODM
By organizing your rule application as modular rule projects, you can improve the performance of Rule Designer for large rule applications, and facilitate the assignment of permissions in Decision Center
Development Standards for Execution Object Model (XOM)
The Execution Object Model (XOM) is the model against which the rules run. It references the application objects and data and is the base implementation of the Business Object Model (BOM). Rule projects reference the XOM.
What is an Expert System?
An Expert system is a computer system that uses artificial intelligence methods to solve problems within a specialized domain that ordinarily requires human expertise.
firing and firinglimit in Rule task – IBM ODM
Configuring the Rule task execution plays the key role in executing the rules in a rule flow. firing and firinglimit are the two rule task properties that help rule execution in a rule flow.
Optimizing Ruleset Performance in IBM ODM
A ruleset is a collection of rules and is the smallest executable unit in IBM ODM. Before it runs, a ruleset is parsed to convert rules into a format that can be executed in memory.
Different Versions of Rete Algorithm
Rete Algorithm has different enhanced form of variations. Charles L. Forgy had worked on three versions which exhibited more performance and fastness in the systems. They are Rete II, Rete III, and Rete NT. Although there are other enhanced versions of Rete by different vendors like RetePlus by IBM and ReteOO by RedHat, they are not considered.
Rule Engine Execution Mode – Choosing and Setting in ODM
IBM Operational Decision Management has three Rule Engine Execution modes. The tricky part comes while choosing the appropriate execution mode for the rules in the rule task. To choose the correct execution mode, we should consider all the rules in the rule task.